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Natural Products

Ganoderic acid B

Catalog No. CFN92052
CAS No. 81907-61-1
Molecular Weight: 516.7
Molecular Formula C30H44O7
DBs [PubChem]:274954340

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Oxidization and hydroxylation are the common metabolic pathways for Ganoderic acid B.[1]
Ganoderic acid B has anti-hypertensive triterpene , is an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis.[2]


Official website: Ganoderic acid B
Japanese website: Ganoderic acid B
Chinese website: Ganoderic acid B


[1] Guo X, Shen X, Long J, et al. Biomed Chromatogr Bmc, 2013, 27(9):1177–87.
[2] Jones B K. Reishi (Ganoderma): Longevity Herb of the Orient[J].
[3] Wang S Z, Lin D, Lin Z X, et al. Drug Evaluation, 2012, 35 (03): 190-3.

Product Use Citation