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Natural Products

Stigmasterol glucoside

Catalog No. CFN98000
CAS No. 19716-26-8
Molecular Weight: 574.8
Molecular Formula C35H58O6
DBs [PubChem]:274952501

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Stigmasterol glucoside, a constituent of Adenanthera pavonina seed and leaf, may be a plant anticancer agent.[1,2]


Official website: Stigmasterol glucoside
Japanese website: Stigmasterol glucoside
Chinese website: Stigmasterol glucoside


[1] Nigam S K, Misra G, Mitra C R. Planta Medica, 1973, 23(2):145-8.
[2] Arisawa M, Kinghorn A D, Cordell G A, et al. Planta Medica, 1985, 51(6):544-5.
[3] Chen Z, Bi X, Luo W, et al. J Guangxi Medical University, 2014, 17(1):74-6.

Product Use Citation