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Natural Products


Catalog No. CFN99762
CAS No. 957-66-4
Molecular Weight: 244.29
Molecular Formula C15H16O3
DBs [PubChem]:274951189

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Isolinderalactone, a kind of sesquiterpenoids compound, was purified from the root of Lindera strychnifolia and Neolitsea daibuensis and shows anti-inflammatory and anticancer capacity, it induces apoptosis in MDA-MB‑231 cells and suppresses STAT3 signaling pathway through regulation of SOCS3 and miR-30c, may become a novel treatment for triple-negative breast cancer in the future.[1]
Isolinderalactone may cause the cell cycle arrest of A549 cells by induction of p21, and induce apoptosis of A549 human non-small-cell lung carcinoma cells through the Fas/sFasL apoptotic system.[2]


Official website: Isolinderalactone
Japanese website: Isolinderalactone
Chinese website: Isolinderalactone


[1] Yen M C, Shih Y C, Hsu Y L, et al. Oncol Rep, 2016, 35(3):1356-64.
[2] Chang W A, Lin E S, Tsai M J, et al. Mol Med Rep, 2014, 9(5):1653-9.
[3] Shu J N, Ouyang R. Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application, 2009, 3(8):7-8.
Product Use Citation