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Natural Products
Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn
Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn
Research products of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn
Catalog Product Name CAS Number Manual
CFN98766Bergapten484-20-8  PDF
CFN99107Isoimperatorin482-45-1  PDF
CFN90557Oxypeucedanin hydrate2643-85-8  PDF
CFN98788Nodakenetin495-32-9  PDF
CFN99158Ferulic acid1135-24-6  PDF
CFN99916Beta-Sitosterol83-46-5  PDF
CFN97503Umbelliferone93-35-6  PDF
CFN99811Coumurrayin17245-25-9  PDF
CFN90570Selinidin19427-82-8  PDF
CFN99158Ferulic acid1135-24-6  PDF
CFN98220Falcarindiol225110-25-8  PDF
CFN93165Stearic Acid57-11-4  PDF
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