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Natural Products
Rauvolfia womitoria Afzel.
Rauvolfia (also spelled Rauwolfia) is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. The genus is named to honor Leonhard Rauwolf. The approximately 85 species in the genus can mainly be found in tropical regions.
Rauvolfia serpentina, commonly known as or Indian Snakeroot or Sarpagandha, contains a number of bioactive chemicals, including ajmaline, aricine, corynanthine, deserpidine lankanescine rauwolscine, rescinnamine, reserpine, reserpiline, isoreserpine, isoreserpiline, serpentinine, and yohimbine.
Reserpine is an alkaloid first isolated from R. serpentina and was widely used as an antihypertensive drug. It had drastic psychological side effects and has been replaced as a first-line antihypertensive drug by other compounds that lack such adverse effects, although combination drugs that include it are still available in some countries as second-line antihypertensive drugs.
Rauvolfia womitoria Afzel.
Research products of Rauvolfia womitoria Afzel.
Catalog Product Name CAS Number Manual
CFN98112Reserpine50-55-5  PDF
CFN97109Tetrahydroalstonine6474-90-4  n/a
CFN98760Aricine482-91-7  n/a
CFN99819Isocarapanaubine17391-09-2  PDF
CFN98542Syrosingopine84-36-6  PDF
CFN92579Methyl reserpate2901-66-8  n/a
CFN92612(+)-Affinisine2912-11-0  n/a
CFN92580Reserpinine24815-24-5  n/a
CFN98283Mayumbine25532-45-0  PDF
CFN92611Ajmalan-17-one3911-19-1  n/a
CFN92583Reserpin N-oxide474-48-6  n/a
CFN97077Methyl levulinate624-45-3  n/a
CFN9261018-Beta-hydroxy-3-epi-alpha-yohimbine81703-06-2  n/a
CFN97573Isoboonein acetate99891-77-7  n/a
CFN97576Isoboonein99946-04-0  n/a
Screening Libraries
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