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Natural Products
Rheum officinale L.
Rheum officinale is a rhubarb from the family Polygonaceae originating in Asia. Herbs large, 1.5-2 m tall. Rhizomes and roots stout. Stem stout, hollow, finely sulcate, with white hairs, especially above and at nodes.
The root and stem of R. officinale are used to treat constipation, as well as to aid in the dissolution of blood clots and pus eruptions. Is used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is called yao yong da huang, and is also a component in the North American herbal remedy called Essiac tea. In modern medicine, R. officinale has been found to be useful in treatment of Hepatitis B.
Anthranoids, especially anthraquinone glycosides: rhein (sennosides A and B), aloe-emodin, physcion. Oxalic acid. Tannins (5% - 10%): gallotannin, catechin, procyanidin. Other: pectin, phenolic carboxylic acids. Pectin tends to be antidiarrheal. In conjunction with tannins, its effect may supersede the effect of anthraquinones when rhubarb is given is small doses.
Rheum officinale L.
Research products of Rheum officinale L.
Catalog Product Name CAS Number Manual
CFN99624Gallic acid149-91-7  PDF
CFN99157Rhein478-43-3  PDF
CFN98834Emodin518-82-1  PDF
CFN98848Physcion521-61-9  PDF
CFN98751Chrysophanol481-74-3  PDF
CFN98749Aloeemodin481-72-1  PDF
CFN99572Emodin-8-beta-D-glucoside23313-21-5  PDF
CFN99592Rhein-8-glucoside calcium salt113443-70-2  PDF
CFN98569Rhaponiticin155-58-8  PDF
CFN99597Sennidin A641-12-3  PDF
CFN99598Sennidin B517-44-2  PDF
CFN99903Sennoside A81-27-6  PDF
CFN99904Sennoside B128-57-4  PDF
CFN99905Sennoside C37271-16-2  PDF
CFN99906Sennoside D37271-17-3  PDF
CFN99646Catechin154-23-4  PDF
CFN98224Torachrysone22649-04-3  PDF
CFN97101Torachrysone 8-O-glucoside64032-49-1  PDF
CFN901921,2,3,4,6-O-Pentagalloylglucose14937-32-7  PDF
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