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  • Berry anthocyanins prevent α-dicarbonyls and advanced glycation end product formation in phosphate-buffered saline-based model systems, cookie and ground pork
    J Food Sci.2024, 3841.17112.
    Delphinidin chloride was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Morusin-Cu (II)-indocyanine green nanoassembly ignites mitochondrial dysfunction for chemo-photothermal tumor therapy
    J Colloid Interface Sci.2024, 662:760-773.
    Morusin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Hederagenin from Hedera helix promotes fat browning in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
    Research Square2024, rs-4398438
    Hederagenin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Stachyose Exerts Anticolitis Efficacy by Re-balancing Treg/Th17 and Activating the Butyrate-Derived PPARγ Signaling Pathway
    J Agric Food Chem.2024, acs.jafc.4c01387.
    Stachyose was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Dissecting the Natural Phytochemical Diversity of Carrot Roots with its Colour Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Uv-Visible Spectrophotometry
    Patanjali Research Foundation2024, ssrn.4807357
    Cryptochlorogenic acid was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Arenobufagin induces cell apoptosis by modulating the cell cycle regulator claspin and the JNK pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
    Expert Opin Ther Targets.2024, :1-11.
    Arenobufagin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction using response surface methodology and quantification of polyphenol compounds in Avicennia officinalis L. from Vietnam
    Pharmacia2024, 71:1-9.
    Taxifolin, Luteolin-7-O-glucosid, Sinapic acid and Cinnamic acid were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Comparison of the inhibition effects of naringenin and its glycosides on LPS-induced inflammation in RAW 264.7 macrophages
    Mol Biol Rep.2024, 51(1):56.
    Naringenin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Janus Nanofibers Containing Compound K for Cartilage Regeneration
    Int J Nanomedicine.2024, 19:1683-1697.
    Ginsenoside Compound K was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Molecular Pharmacology of Gelsemium Alkaloids on Inhibitory Receptors
    Int J Mol Sci.2024, 25(6):3390.
    Gelsemine, Koumine, Gelsevirine and Humantenmine were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Comparison of Alternative Protein Hydrogels for Delivering Myricetin: Interaction Mechanism and Stability Evaluation
    J Agric Food Chem.2024, 72(15):8784-8797.
    Myricetin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Mechanism study on the inhibitory effect of strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.) leaves on advanced glycation end-products formation
    Food Bioscience2024, 58:103691.
    Chlorogenic acid, Quercetin and Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Intranasal administration of the essential oil from Perillae Folium ameliorates social defeat stress-induced behavioral impairments in mice
    J Ethnopharmacol.2024, 324:117775.
    Apiol, -caryophyllene, Elemicin and Myristicin were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Corylifol A suppresses osteoclastogenesis and alleviates ovariectomy-induced bone loss via attenuating ROS production and impairing mitochondrial function
    Biomed Pharmacother.2024, 171:116166.
    Corylifol A was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Evodiamine attenuates oxidative stress and ferroptosis by inhibiting the MAPK signaling to improve bortezomib‐induced peripheral neurotoxicity
    Environ Toxicol.2024, 39(3):1556-1566.
    Evodiamine was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Xin-yi-san contains potent human CYP1A2 inhibitors and its combined use with theophylline in treatment increases adverse risks in patients
    Phytomedicine.2024, 155760.
    Imperatorin and Xanthotoxol were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Switching the polarity of mouse enteroids affects the epithelial interplay with prenylated phenolics from licorice (Glycyrrhiza) roots
    Food Funct.2024, 15(4):1852-1866.
    Glycycoumarin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Hellebrigenin induces apoptosis by triggering cellular inhibitor of apoptosis 1 and Jun N-terminal kinase pathway in melanoma cells
    Dermatologica Sinica2024, 42(1):p19-30.
    Hellebrigenin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • pH-sensitive Nanoformulation of Acetyl-11-Keto-beta-Boswellic Acid (AKBA) as a Potential Antiproliferative Agent in Colon Carcinogenesis (In Vitro and In Vivo)
    Babol University of Medical Sciences2024, rs-4289336
    3-O-Acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Cannabidiol activates MAPK pathway to induce apoptosis, paraptosis, and autophagy in colorectal cancer cells
    J Cell Biochem.2024, 125(4):e30537.
    Cannabidiol was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Novel betulin derivatives as multidrug reversal agents targeting P-glycoprotein
    Sci Rep. 2024, 14(1):70.
    Tariquidar was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Three types of enzymes complete the furanocoumarins core skeleton biosynthesis in Angelica sinensis
    Phytochemistry.2024, 222:114102.
    Osthenol, Umbelliferone, Marmesin and Columbianetin were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Voacangine protects hippocampal neuronal cells against oxygen–glucose deprivation/reoxygenation-caused oxidative stress and ferroptosis by activating the PI3K-Akt-FoxO signaling
    J Appl Toxicol.2024, jat.4615.
    Voacangine was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Fermented Syzygium samarangense leaves mitigate oxidative stress-triggered hepatotoxicity through Nrf2 activation and epigenetic regulation
    Food Bioscience2024, 57:103518.
    More Products were purchased from ChemFaces
  • An Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometric Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Eighteen Marker Compounds in the Traditional Herbal Formula Bopyeo-Tang
    Pharmaceuticals (Basel).2024, 17(3):352.
    More Products were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Metabolite Profiling Of Early Immature Durian Fruit Extract And Its Potential For Anti-Premature Skin Aging: A Step Toward Transforming Agricultural Waste Into High-Value Products
    Chulalongkorn University2024, ssrn.4716057.
    Procyanidin B2, Procyanidin C1 and (-)-Epicatechin were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Chikusetsusaponin IVa Protects against H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus Infection by Inhibiting Inflammation and TLR4/NF-κB Signaling Pathways in vitro and in vivo
    Pharmacognosy Magazine2024, 20(2):632-645.
    Chikusetsusaponin IVa was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Detection of Adulterated Naodesheng Tablet (Naodesheng Pian) via In-Depth Chemical Analysis and Subsequent Reconstruction of Its Pharmacopoeia Q-Markers
    Molecules.2024, 29(6):1392.
    Pratensein was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Moracin D suppresses cell growth and induces apoptosis via targeting the XIAP/PARP1 axis in pancreatic cancer
    Phytomedicine.2024, 128:155527.
    Moracin D was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Stored white tea ameliorates DSS-induced ulcerative colitis in mice by modulating the composition of the gut microbiota and intestinal metabolites
    Food Funct.2024, 15(8):4262-4275.
    Kaempferol 3-O-galactoside was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Melia azedarach L. reduces pulmonary inflammation and mucus hypersecretion on a murine model of ovalbumin exposed asthma
    J Ethnopharmacol.2024, 320:117426.
    Toosendanin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Effect of Steamed Stauntonia hexaphylla fruit on RAW 264.7 osteoclast and MC3T3-E1 osteoblast differentiation
    Kyung Hee University2024, rs-3888374
    5-Hydroxymethylfurfural was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Impact of Dry Processing on Secondary Metabolites in the Petals of Marigold (Tagetes spp.) Cultivar
    Horticulturae2024, 10(4), 382.
    Quercetin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • The construction of yeast β-glucan coated-edible dock protein nanomicelles for the encapsulation and sustained release of apigenin
    Journal of Food Engineering2024, 379:112136.
    Apigenin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Development and validation of simultaneous HPLC-PDA analysis method for quality control of Hwang-ryeon-hae-dok-tang: An analytical quality by design approach
    J of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies2024, 47(1-5):14-25.
    Berberine, Palmatine, Baicalin and Geniposide were purchased from ChemFaces
  • Nobiletin regulates intracellular Ca2+ levels via IP3R and ameliorates neuroinflammation in Aβ42-induced astrocytes
    Redox Biology2024, 103197.
    Nobiletin was purchased from ChemFaces
  • Enhancement of the water solubility of curcuminoids by micelle formulations with ginsenosides to improve antioxidant activity, suppress nitric oxide release, and reduce lipid accumulation
    Journal of Functional Foods2024, 116:106186
    Ginsenosides (Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rg1, Rg2, Rg3, Rh1, F1 and F2) were purchased from ChemFaces
  • High-throughput discovery of highly selective reversible hMAO-B inhibitors based on at-line nanofractionation
    Acta Pharm Sin B.2024, 14(4):1772-1786.
    Neocnidilide was purchased from ChemFaces
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