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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN98217 3,8-Di-O-methylellagic acid

3,3'-Di-O-methylellagic acid reveals moderate antibacterial activity, it also shows strong DPPH radical scavenging activities with SC50 of 123.3 ug/mL. It has a lower capacity of stimulating murine peritoneal macrophages to release nitric oxide and tumoural-alpha necrose factor. 3,3'-Di-O-methylellagic acid may be a useful as pharmacological agent for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
CFN97043 3,9-Dihydroxypterocarpan

3,9-Dihydroxypterocarpan and phaseollidin are all good precursors of the pterocarpan phytoalexin phaseollin.
CFN95238 3-Acetyl-ginsenoside F1

Reference standards.
CFN99067 3alpha-Akebonoic acid

3α-Akebonoic acid shows interesting in vitro growth inhibitory activity against human tumor A549 and HeLa cell lines, it also shows significant in vitro α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. 3α-Akebonoic acid can interfer with presenilin-1 (PS1)/ β-site APP-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) interaction and reduces Aβ production, the chemical interference of PS1/BACE1 interaction is a promising strategy for Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics.
CFN90352 3alpha-Hydroxytanshinone IIA

Reference standards.
CFN91105 3beta-Methoxy-2,3-dihydrowithaferin A

3beta-Methoxy-2,3-dihydrowithaferin A has cytoprotective activity, it protects normal cells against stress.
CFN92210 3-beta-O-(trans-p-Coumaroyl)maslinic acid

3-beta-O-(trans-p-Coumaroyl)maslinic acid is a DNA polymerase B" inhibitor. It shows antimicrobial activity on Gram-positive bacteria and yeasts.
CFN99588 3-Butylidenephthalide

(Z)-3-butylidenephthalide has antihyperglycemic effect is due to inhibition of α-glucosidase at the intestinal level, inhibited the activity of yeast-α-glucosidase (IC(50) 2.35 mM) in a noncompetitive fashion with a K(i) of 4.86 mM. It can induce a dose-dependent antinociceptive action in the hot-plate assay, it is also effective for controlling the pain provoked by chemical irritation at the doses of 10 and 31.6 mg/kg.
CFN70061 3-Carene

3-Carene, may irritate the skin and mucous membranes and prolonged exposure may result in allergic contact dermatitis or chronic lung function impairment. 3-Carene shows stimulatory effect on mineralization, which might be associated with its potential to induce the protein expression/activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases and the transcript levels of osteoblast mineralization-related genes such as osteopontin and type I collagen.
CFN93130 3'-Demethylnobiletin

3'-Demethylnobiletin has chemopreventive effects on colon carcinogenesis, it can significantly inhibit the growth of human colon cancer cells, cause cell-cycle arrest, induce apoptosis, and profoundly modulate signaling proteins related with cell proliferation and cell death. It significantly suppresses CD36 expression.