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Natural Products


Catalog No. CFN90248
CAS No. 509-20-6
Molecular Weight: 499.60
Molecular Formula C25H41NO9
DBs [PubChem]:274954967

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Aconine can inhibit RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation in RAW264.7 cells by suppressing NF-κB and NFATc1 activation and DC-STAMP expression.[1]
Aconine has GW26-e4470 effect on the expression of Sirt-1 and eNOS system in EAhy926 cell injured by Homocysteine.[2]
Aconine can attenuate hepatic fat degeneration of rats with fatty liver induced by high-fat diet through decreasing TG,TC deposit in liver.[3]


Official website: Aconine
Japanese website: Aconine
Chinese website: Aconine


[1] Zeng X Z, He L G, Wang S, et al. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2015, 37(2):255-63.
[2] Liu Y, Zheng Z, Zhou B, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2015, 66(16):C92-3.
[3] Shou Z X, Fan H.Journal of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2008, 32(2):166-8.
[4] Liu M, Zhang H, Cai Y M, et al.Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice, 2013, 31(3):181-4.
Product Use Citation