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Natural Products

Ganoderic acid Z

Catalog No. CFN90295
CAS No. 294674-09-2
Molecular Weight: 514.66
Molecular Formula C30H42O7
DBs [PubChem]:274954924

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Ganoderic acid zeta , isolated from the spores, has cytotoxicity in vitro against Meth-A and LLC cell lines.[1]
The binding affinities of ganoderic acid DM and Z (ΔGbind, −16.83 and−10.99 kcal mol1) are comparable to that of current commercial drug oseltamivir (−23.62 kcal mol1);
ganoderic acid DM is a potential source of anti-influenza ingredient, with novel binding pattern and advantage over oseltamivir, it has steric hindrance on the 150 cavity of N1 protein, and exerts activities across the H274Y and N294S mutations, is the attractive candidates of novel neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors.[2]


Official website: Ganoderic acid Z
Japanese website: Ganoderic acid Z
Chinese website: Ganoderic acid Z


[1] Min B S, Gao J J, Nakamura N, et al. Cheminform, 2000, 31(50):1026-33.
[2] Yang Z, Fei W, Yuan X, et al. J Mol Graph Model, 2016, 65:27–34.
[3] B M Li, Gu HF, L i Y, et al. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 2012, 37(23):3599-603.
Product Use Citation