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Natural Products

Columbianetin acetate

Catalog No. CFN90510
CAS No. 23180-65-6
Molecular Weight: 288.30
Molecular Formula C16H16O5
DBs [PubChem]:274954711

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Columbianetin acetate can be absorbed in whole intestinal sections and colon is the best absorption region of whole rat intestines.The increase of columbianetin acetate concentration has no effect on absorption kinetics,the absorption of columbianetin acetate is a passive diffusion process,  not pH-dependent.[1]
Columbianetin may be helpful in regulating mast cell-mediated allergic inflammatory responses.[2]


Official website: Columbianetin acetate
Japanese website: Columbianetin acetate
Chinese website: Columbianetin acetate


[1] Wu Y N, Luan L B. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal, 2008,43(22):1719-22.
[2] Jeong H J, Na H J, Kim S J, et al. Biol Pharml Bull, 2009, 32(6):1027-31.
[3] Cai Q, Sha M, Yang S. Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex, CEDEFOP, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. 1999:1580-4.
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