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Natural Products

Ganoderic acid K

Catalog No. CFN92057
CAS No. 104700-95-0
Molecular Weight: 574.7
Molecular Formula C32H46O9
DBs [PubChem]:274954335

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Ganoderic acids K, the 70% MeOH extract of Ganoderma lucidum , has an inhibitory effect on angiotensin converting enzyme activity.[1]


Official website: Ganoderic acid K
Japanese website: Ganoderic acid K
Chinese website: Ganoderic acid K


[1] Morigiwa A, Kitabatake K, Fujimoto Y, et al. Chem Pharm Bul, 1986, 34(7):3025-8.
[2] Wang X, Liu R, Sun J, et al. Biomed Chromatogr, 2007, 21(4):389-96.
Product Use Citation