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Natural Products

Ganoderol A

Catalog No. CFN99065
CAS No. 104700-97-2
Molecular Weight: 438.7
Molecular Formula C30H46O2
DBs [PubChem]:274951442

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Ganoderol A, isolated from Ganadermalucidum, has significant anti-inflammatory activity and protection against UVA damage, thus suggesting that the compound is a candidate for the development of a suitable product to protect skin from UV-induced photoaging.[1]
Ganoderols A, the 70% MeOH extract of Ganoderma lucidum , has an inhibitory effect on angiotensin converting enzyme activity.[2]
Ganoderal A inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis via conversion of acetate or mevalonate as a precursor of cholesterol. [3]
Ganoderone A and lucialdehyde B exhibit potent inhibitory activity against herpes simplex virus.[4]


Official website: Ganoderol A
Japanese website: Ganoderol A
Chinese website: Ganoderol A


[1] Jin F, Zhao H, Yuan X, et al. Trop J Pharm Res, 2015, 14(3):412-21.
[2] Morigiwa A, Kitabatake K, Fujimoto Y, et al. Chem Pharm Bul, 1986, 34(7):3025-8.
[3] Hajjaj H, Macé C, Roberts M, et al. Appl Environ Microb, 2005, 71(7):3653-8.
[4] Niedermeyer T H, Lindequist U, Mentel R, et al. Planta Med, 2005, 68(12):1728-31.
[5] Zhao J, Zhang X, Li S, et al. J Sep Sci, 2006, 29(17):2609-15.
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