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Natural Products


Catalog No. CFN99195
CAS No. 10097-84-4
Molecular Weight: 355.42
Molecular Formula C21H25NO4
DBs [PubChem]:274951224

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Rotundine combined with methadone treatment may be a better therapeutic method in treatment of heroin dependence.[1]
Rhizoma Zingiberis(RZ), Flos Magnoliae(FM), and Fructus Litseae(FL), both have enhancing effect on Rotundine permeation.[2]
Rotundine injection can ameliorate the damages by modulating the activities of different types of NOS, and the various types of NOS play different roles in the lung damages after brain I/R injury at different stages in rats; rotundine provides remarkable protection against cerebral ischemia reperfusion damage, Its mechanisms may be through its influence on NO、ET 1 and energy metabolism.[3,4]


Official website: Rotundine
Japanese website: Rotundine
Chinese website: Rotundine


[1] Yong H U, Qiu Y, Zhong Y, et al.Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention & Treatment, 2006, 12(5):270-1.
[2] Cui L L, Yun-Shu M A, Han H X. Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials, 2011, 34(5):753-7.
[3] Zeng A Y, Tu E Y, Han Z Y, et al. Metabolism, 2007, 30(2):111-8.
[4] Tang Y, Yang G. Journal of Emergenoy Medicine, 2000, 9(6):379-81.
[5] Feng M X. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2008, 28(7):1180-3.
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