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Natural Products

Dehydroabietic acid

Catalog No. CFN99822
CAS No. 1740-19-8
Molecular Weight: 300.4
Molecular Formula C20H28O2
DBs [PubChem]:274951132

Standard InChI:


Biological Activity

Dehydroabietic acid (DHAA), a major poison to fishes in pulp and paper mill effluents, has toxicological and physiological effects, 20 μg l−1 is close to the “minimum effective concentration” of DHAA to rainbow trout.[1]
Dehydroabietic acid derivatives have been reported to display antisecretory and antipepsin effect in animal models, have gastroprotective activity in the HCl/EtOH-induced gastric lesions in mice as well as for cytotoxicity in human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5) and human epithelial gastric (AGS) cells. [2]
Dehydroabietic acid derivatives have antiulcer activity.[3]


Official website: Dehydroabietic acid
Japanese website: Dehydroabietic acid
Chinese website: Dehydroabietic acid


[1] Oikari A, Lönn B E, Castrén M, et al. Water Res, 1983, 17(1):81-9.
[2] Sepúlveda B, Astudillo L, Rodríguez J A, et al. Pharmacol Res, 2005, 52(5):429-37.
[3] Wada H, Kodato S, Kawamori M, et al. Chem Pharm Bull, 1985, 33(4):1472-87.
[4] K. Hroboňová, Dr. J. Lehotay, I. Skačáni, et al. J Liq Chromatogr R T, 2005, 28(11):1725-35.
Product Use Citation