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Ampelopsis japonica (Thunb.) Makino

Ampelopsis is a genus of climbing shrubs, in the grape family Vitaceae. Ampelopsis japonica (Thunberg) Makino, Branchlets terete, with longitudinal ridges, glabrous; tendrils unbranched or with short branches near tip. Leaves palmate, 3-5-foliolate; stipules caducous; petiole 1-4 cm, glabrous; leaflets pinnatipartite, or margin deeply toothed and not divided, abaxially glabrous or sometimes sparsely pubescent on veins, pinnatifid lobes 0.5-3.5 cm wide, apex acute or acuminate; central leaflet of 5-foliolate leaves deeply divided to base with 1-3 nodes, usually winged between nodes, wing 2-6 mm wide; lateral leaflets not articulate or with 1 node; central leaflets of 3-foliolate leaves with 1 node or without nodes, base tapering, winglike, wing 2-3 mm wide. Polychasium leaf-opposed, 1-2 cm in diam.; peduncle 1.5-5 cm, often tendril-like. Pedicel short or flower nearly sessile, glabrous. Buds ovoid, 1.5-2 mm, apex rounded. Petals oval, 1.2-2.2 mm, glabrous. Anthers oval, nearly square. Lower part of ovary adnate to disk; style shortly claviform.

Ampelopsis japonica (Thunb.) Makino
Research products of Ampelopsis japonica (Thunb.) Makino
Catalog Product Name CAS Number Manual
CFN99201Fumaric acid110-17-8  PDF
CFN98713Daucosterol474-58-8  PDF
CFN99624Gallic acid149-91-7  PDF
CFN92383Kaempferol 3-O-(6''-galloyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside (Astragalin 6''-O-gallate)56317-05-6  n/a
CFN920785-Galloylquinic acid53584-43-3  PDF
CFN901921,2,3,4,6-O-Pentagalloylglucose14937-32-7  PDF
CFN997282''-O-Galloylhyperin53209-27-1  PDF
CFN92172Quercetin-3-O-glucuronide22688-79-5  PDF
CFN98913Lupeol545-47-1  PDF
CFN98834Emodin518-82-1  PDF
CFN98848Physcion521-61-9  PDF
CFN98751Chrysophanol481-74-3  PDF
CFN98513Quetiapine fumarate111974-72-2  PDF
CFN98514Quetiapine hydroxy impurity329216-67-3  PDF
CFN92265cis-Tiliroside163956-16-9  PDF
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