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Natural Products
Hedera nepalensis K. Koch var. sinensis (Tobl.) Rehd.
Hedera nepalensis (Himalayan ivy, Himalaya-Efeu, chang chun teng) is a species of perennial Ivy (genus Hedera) native to Nepal and Bhutan, as well as Afghanistan, India, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, at altitudes of about 1000-3000 m. Plants grow up to 30 m in height, with simple leaves ranging from 2-15 cm long, and yellow flowers.
Stem: creeping or climbing to a height of 30 m with adventitious roots. Evergreen foliage, dark green, glossy, lighter underneath, glabrous, leathery, lanceolate, oval, to klapowanych (flaps odd, usually 3, triangular), u heart-shaped base of the wedge, the top slightly pointed or blunt. Flowers: bisexual, small, 5-fold, meeting within the fond owate panicles. Flower stalks (length 7-12 mm) and Flowering hairy. Chalice entire edges, retained. Petals yellow crown. Stamens 5, anthers 1-2 mm long. Pillar short neck, single, Fruit is a drupes, flattened, 5-7 mm long, 5-10 mm wide, with orange to red.
Hedera nepalensis K. Koch var. sinensis (Tobl.) Rehd.
Research products of Hedera nepalensis K. Koch var. sinensis (Tobl.) Rehd.
Catalog Product Name CAS Number Manual
CFN90183Hederacoside C14216-03-6  PDF
CFN90184Hederacoside D760961-03-3  n/a
CFN98558Beta-Hederin35790-95-5  PDF
CFN90400Vincristine sulfate2068-78-2  n/a
CFN90401Vinorelbine71486-22-1  n/a
CFN99765Catharanthine2468-21-5  PDF
CFN98589Vincristine57-22-7  PDF
CFN90142Vinorelbine Tartrate125317-39-7  n/a
CFN90146Vinblastine Sulfate143-67-9  n/a
CFN90230Vinblastine865-21-4  n/a
CFN90318Catharanthine Tartrate2648-21-5  n/a
CFN90430Kalopanaxsaponin H128730-82-5  PDF
CFN98325alpha-Hederin27013-91-8  PDF
CFN99986Hederasaponin B36284-77-2  PDF
CFN98695Hederagenin465-99-6  PDF
CFN90651Hederagenin 28-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester53931-25-2  n/a
CFN90865Beta-D-glucopyranosyl oleanolate14162-53-9  n/a
Screening Libraries
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