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Bioactive Products
Anti-inflammatory Compound Library
A unique collection of 552 Anti-inflammatory natural compound library for Anti-inflammatory screening and New Anti-inflammatory drug research
Catalog No: B72a26 Anti-inflammatory Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 552 Compounds
2mg/well * 552 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN00186 Convolvine

Convolvine and its derivatives exhibit pronounced antihypoxic, immunomodulating, and anti-inflammatory activity, they exhibit cytotoxic activity, the alkaloids N-benzylconvolvine and N-chloroacetylconvolvine at concentrations of 10 ug/mL exhibit the greatest activity against HeLa and Hep cancer cell cultures. Convolvine blocks the M-receptors of the heart and intestine but raises the sensitivity of the M-receptors of the salivary gland and of the CNS,convolvine has revealed characteristics of a sedative and nootropic agent.
CFN98984 Aurantiamide

Aurantiamide acetate has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities, it may suppress the growth of malignant gliomas by blocking autophagic flux, it also inhibits cysteine proteinases, in particular, cathepsin L ( and B ( with IC50 of 12 microM and 49 microM, respectively . Aurantiamide acetate has an anti-neuroinflammatory effect on LPS stimulation through its inhibition of the NF-κB, JNK and p38 pathways.
CFN98985 Suberosin

Suberosin exhibits anti-inflammatory, and anticoagulant activities, it also shows biting deterrent activity against Aedes aegypti, it may be useful for use as mosquito larvicidal agent. Suberosin inhibits PHA-induced PBMC proliferation, at least in part, through reduction of [Ca2+]i, ERK, NF-AT, and NF-kappaB activation, and early gene expression in PBMC including cyclins and cytokines, and arrest of cell cycle progression in the cells.
CFN98987 Dihydroresveratrol

Dihydroresveratrol has antiproliferative activity against human prostate cancer PC3 cell line in vitro, it can ameliorate acute pancreatitis-associated lung injury via an inhibitory modulation of pro-inflammatory response, which is associated with a suppression of the NF-κB signaling pathway.
CFN98990 Gomisin A

Gomisin A has anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, neuroprotective, and anti-proliferation properties, it induces marked protective effects against hepatic and renal injury induced by CCl(4) exposure through differential regulation of the MAPK signal transduction pathway. Gomisin A inhibits COX-2, iNOS, IL-6, TNF-α and NO through the down-regulation of RIP2 and NF-κB activation.