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Bioactive Products
Anticancer Compound Library
A unique collection of 674 anticancer natural compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and New anticancer drug research
Catalog No: B91 Anticancer Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 674 Compounds
2mg/well * 674 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN97856 Annonacin

Annonacin is mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, reported to be more toxic than rotenone to mesencephalic neurons; can cause significant cell death in various cancer cell lines. Annonacin induces growth arrest and apoptosis in ERα-related pathways in MCF-7 cells, attenuates MCF-7 xenograft tumor growth while inhibiting ERα, cyclin D1 and Bcl-2 protein expressions in nude mice. Annonacin-induced ATP depletion causes the retrograde transport of mitochondria to the cell soma and induces changes in the intracellular distribution of tau in a way that shares characteristics with some neurodegenerative diseases.
CFN90462 Topotecan hydrochloride

Topotecan hydrochloride, a topoisomerase I inhibitor, capable of inhibiting tumoral growth in animal models of retinoblastoma. Topotecan hydrochloride liposomes loaded CS/β-GP hydrogel could become a potential formulation for improving the antitumor efficacy of Topotecan hydrochloride.
CFN90463 Vanillin

Vanillin is a single molecule extracted from vanilla beans and also a popular odor used widely in perfume, food and medicine.Vanillin can reversibly and non-competitively inhibit the cellulase activity at appropriate concentrations and the value of IC50 was estimated to be 30 g/L.Vanillin protects KSC from UVB irradiation and its effects may occur through the suppression of downstream step of MDM2 in UVB irradiation-induced p53 activation. Vanillin also inhibits yeast growth and fermentation.
CFN90465 Vindesine

Vindesine is a microtubule inhibitor and widely used to treat malignancies. Vindesine neuropathy seems to be the cause of the patient's neurological symptoms.
CFN90489 Geraniol

Geraniol is a terpene alcohol occurring in the essential oils of several aromatic plants used in the flavour and fragrance industries. It also exhibits insecticidal and repellent properties and used as a natural pest control agent exhibiting low toxicity.Geraniol is a glutathion S transferase inhibitor, shows anticarcinogenic props.