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Bioactive Products
Anticancer Compound Library
A unique collection of 674 anticancer natural compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and New anticancer drug research
Catalog No: B91 Anticancer Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 674 Compounds
2mg/well * 674 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN92031 Vicenin -2

Vicenin -2 has hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, and DTL co-administration is more effective than either of the single agents in androgen-independent prostate cancer. Vicenin -2 might be a useful lead for the development of multiple target-oriented therapeutic modalities for the treatment of diabetes and diabetes-associated complications. Vicenin -2 could act as a UV light barrier to protect the plants.
CFN92051 Ganoderic acid A

Ganoderic acid A , a representative active triterpenoid from Ganoderma lucidum, exhibits antinociceptive, antioxidative, cytotoxic, hepatoprotective and anticancer activities. It has a wide spectrum of targets including nuclear transcription factor-kappaB,activator protein-1,STAT,IL-6,JAK, and p38MAPK.
CFN92056 Ganoderic acid H

Ganoderic acid H is a potent antitumour agent, it mediates its biological effects through the inhibition of transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kappaB, resulting in the down-regulation of expression of Cdk4.
CFN92058 Bursehernin

Bursehernin has potential for development as an anti-tumor agent with an anti-proliferation, and cell cycle arrest inducing.
CFN92060 Syringaresinol

(-)-Syringaresinol may be a potential chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of cancer; it against H/R-induced cardiomyocyte injury and death, the degradation of HIF-1α through activation of FOXO3 is a potential therapeutic strategy for ischemia-related diseases. Syringaresinol induces vasorelaxation by enhancing NO production in endothelial cells via two distinct mechanisms, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt- and PLC/Ca(2+)/CaMKKβ-dependent eNOS phosphorylation and Ca(2+)-dependent eNOS dimerization.