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Bioactive Products
Anticancer Compound Library
A unique collection of 674 anticancer natural compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and New anticancer drug research
Catalog No: B91 Anticancer Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 674 Compounds
2mg/well * 674 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN97412 2-Methoxystypandrone

2-Methoxystypandrone displays an immunomodulatory effect in a cellular model, it blocks inflammatory responses by impairing NF-κB signaling to limit the inflammation and oxidative stress for preservation of BBB integrity. 2-Methoxystypandrone concomitantly promotes neurodevelopmental protein expression and endogenous neurogenesis through inactivation of GSK3β to enhance β-catenin signaling for upexpression of neuroprotective genes and proteins.2-Methoxystypandrone has anti-osteoclastogenic effect, could reflect the block of RANKL-induced association of TRAF6-TAK1 complexes with consequent decrease of IkappaB-mediated NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinases-mediated c-Fos activation pathways and suppression of NFATc1 and other gene expression, essential for bone resorption.
CFN97418 Eupatorin

Eupatorin has antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects, it emerges as a promising agent in anticancer research.Eupatorin-induced cell death is mediated by both the extrinsic and the intrinsic apoptotic pathways and through a mechanism dependent on reactive oxygen species generation. Eupatorin also has meaningful anti-inflammatory property which may be utilized in the development of novel anti-inflammatory treatments.
CFN97426 Ganoderic acid SZ

Reference standards.
CFN97431 threo-Guaiacylglycerol beta-coniferyl ether

Threo-Guaiacylglycerol beta-coniferyl ether displays significant inhibitory effects on NO production.
CFN97432 3,23-Dioxo-9,19-cyclolanost-24-en-26-oic acid

3,23-Dioxo-9,19-cyclolanost-24-en-26-oic acid inhibits the MRCKα kinase with Kd50 of 3.0 uM, it also inhibits the MRCKβ kinase with Kd50 of 3.2 uM; the role of Kinases in cancer onset and progression has made kinases a target for the control of some cancers, suggests that it may possess anticancer activity.