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Bioactive Products
Cytotoxic Compound Library
A unique collection of 129 Cytotoxic natural compounds used for Cytotoxic research
Catalog No: B913 Cytotoxic Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 129 Compounds
2mg/well * 129 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN90755 Dihydrodaidzin

Dihydrodaidzin shows cytotoxic activities against human stomach carcinoma (Hs 740.T, Hs 756 T), breast adenocarcinoma (Hs 578 T, Hs 742.T), and prostate carcinoma (DU 145, LNCaP-FGC) cell lines.
CFN96163 2,3-Dihydroamentoflavone 7,4'-dimethyl ether

2,3-Dihydroamentoflavone 7,4'-dimethyl ether exhibits cytotoxicities (ED50 values < 4 microg/mL) against P-388 and/or HT-29 cell lines in vitro.
CFN93286 Pulegone

Pulegone is a fragrance and flavour ingredient. Pulegone has cytotoxicity followed by regenerative cell proliferation is the MOA for Pulegone-induced urothelial tumors in female rats. Pulegone induces a verapamil-sensitive psychostimulant effect that appears to independ on the opening of L-type calcium channels.
CFN96191 Kaempferol 3,7,4'-trimethylether

Kaempferol 3,7,4'-trimethylether shows selective cyctoxic activities against the nine tested cancer cell lines.
CFN90931 Quercetin Dihydrate

Quercetin dihydrate loaded electrospun nanofibrous membrane show antimycotic effect on candida albicans. Clinoptilolite modified with quercetin dihydrate has shown better cytotoxicity compared with clinoptilolite modified with quercetin. The supplementation of quercetin dihydrate and gallate promotes an increase in fecal sterols, which in turn leads to a decreased absorption of dietary cholesterol as well as lower plasma and hepatic cholesterol.