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Bioactive Products
Cytotoxic Compound Library
A unique collection of 129 Cytotoxic natural compounds used for Cytotoxic research
Catalog No: B913 Cytotoxic Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 129 Compounds
2mg/well * 129 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN92859 Coronaridine

Coronaridine is an antitumor agent. Coronaridine congeners inhibit hα3β4 AChRs by blocking the ion channel's lumen and probably by additional negative allosteric mechanisms by interacting with a series of non-luminal sites.
CFN92861 Kansuiphorin C

Kansuiphorin C shows cytotoxic activity.
CFN92862 3-O-(2'E ,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-deoxyingenol

3-O-(2'E ,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-deoxyingenol, one toxic terpenoid from raw Gansui. It has strong cytotoxicity against human normal cell lines L-O2 and GES-1 with dose-dependent relationships.
CFN92864 3-O-(2'E ,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol

3-O-(2′E,4′Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol, one toxic terpenoid from raw Gansui. It has strong cytotoxicity against human normal cell lines L-O2 and GES-1 with dose-dependent relationships . It shows antinematodal activity against the nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, at a minimum effective dose (MED) of 5 microg/cotton ball. 3-O-(2'E,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol induces the cytotoxicity of intestinal epithelial cells of rats (IEC-6 cells) depends on induction of cell apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway and cell cycle arrest.3-O-(2'E,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol, kansuinine B and kansuinine A can markedly promote SPL proliferation and NO production by PMphi at concentrations from 0.78 to 12.50 microg/mL, hence the they are believed to be important proinflammatory components of the roots of E. kansui.
CFN92865 3-O-(2'E ,4'E-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol

3-O-(2′E,4′E-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol has strong cytotoxicity against human normal cell lines L-O2 and GES-1 with dose-dependent relationships.