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Bioactive Products
Inhibitors Compound Library
A unique collection of 267 Inhibitor natural compounds
Catalog No: Bb221 Inhibitors Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 267 Compounds
2mg/well * 267 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN97236 Usnic acid

Usnic acid has antitumoral, acaricidal, larvicidal, antiviral, antibiotic, antipyretic, analgesic,gastroprotective, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Use of reconstituted bovine type-I collagen-based films containing usnic acid can improve burn healing process in rats. Usnic acid perturbs various interrelated signaling pathways and that autophagy induction is a defensive mechanism against usnic acid-induced cytotoxicity; it disturbs calcium homeostasis, induces ER stress, and that Usnic acid-induced cellular damage occurs at least partially via activation of the Ca(2+) channel of SOCE.
CFN00322 Retronecine

Retronecine acts as the better competitor for the competitive inhibition of antibodies to Retronecine. Retronecine can be metabolized to form DHP by rat liver microsomal enzymes and interacts with DNA to produce DHP-DNA adducts and Retronecine N-oxide undergoes the biotransformation to the parent compound, Retronecine.
CFN97239 Artocarpin

Artocarpin has anti- bactericidal effect, can reduce the viability of pneumococci by a factor of >1000, without obvious harm to lung epithelial cells. Artocarpin can prevent skin damage from UVB irradiation-induced photodamage in hairless mice and this is likely mediated through its antioxidant and anti-inflammation mechanisms.Artocarpin possesses potent 5alpha reductase inhibitory effect, it induces apoptosis in HSC-1 and T47D cells through modulation of MAPK and Akt/mTOR pathways, an extrinsic pathway, respectively. Artocarpin has an efficient lightening effect on UV-stimulated hyperpigmented dorsal skins of brownish guinea pigs.
CFN97241 Morachalcone A

Morachalcone A displays significant tyrosinase inhibitory activity (IC50, 0.013 uM); it also exerts strong pancreatic lipase inhibition with IC 50 value of 6.2 uM. Morachalcone A exhibits neuroprotective effects on HT22-immortalized hippocampal cells against glutamate-induced oxidative stress, with EC50 values of 35.5±2.1 uM. It exhibits potent inhibitory activity on nitric oxide production in RAW264.7 LPS-activated mouse macrophage cells with IC50 value of 16.4 microM.
CFN97269 Excisanin B

Excisanin B shows inhibitory effects on LPS-induced production of nitric oxide in murine macrophage RAW264.7 cells.