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Bioactive Products
Anticancer Compound Library
A unique collection of 674 anticancer natural compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and New anticancer drug research
Catalog No: B91 Anticancer Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 674 Compounds
2mg/well * 674 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN92703 3-Hydroxybakuchiol

3-Hydroxybakuchiol exerts cytotoxic and anti-proliferative effects on the TA3/Ha mouse mammary adenocarcinoma cell line and induces a decrease in the mitochondrial transmembrane potential, the activation of caspase-3, the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transport pore (MPTP) and nuclear DNA fragmentation.3-Hydroxybakuchiol has antitumor activity resulting from interactions with the ETC, a system that is already deficient in cancer cells.
CFN92712 Marmesin

Marmesin has hepatoprotective potential; it also has cytotoxic with a 50% lethal dose of less than 0.5 micrograms/ml, is not as mutagenic or potentially carcinogenic as are AFB1, imperatorin, or MOP with BL activation.
CFN92739 Polyporenic acid C

Polyporenic acid C shows inhibitory activity against human collagenase. Polyporenic acid C induces apoptosis through the death receptor-mediated apoptotic pathway where the activation of caspase-8 leads to the direct cleavage of execution caspases without the involvement of the mitochondria.
CFN92740 Dehydroeburicoic acid

Dehydroeburicoic acid induces necrotic cell death that involves Ca(2+) overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, and calpain activation in human glioblastomas. Dehydroeburicoic acid and Eburicoic acid have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities by the decrease of inflammatory cytokines and an increase of antioxidant enzyme activity, can protect the liver from CCl4-induced hepatic damage.
CFN92742 Dehydropachymic acid

Dehydropachymic acid shows antiinflammatory activity.