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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN90493 Lauric acid

Lauric acid is a middle chain-free fatty acid with strong bactericidal properties. The EC50s for P. acnes, S.aureus, S. epidermidis, are 2, 6, 4 μg/mL, respectively. Lauric acid displays preferential antineoplastic property, including induction of apoptosis in a CRC cell line.
CFN90492 Laurolitsine

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CFN98078 Lauroscholtzine

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CFN92130 Laurycolactone A

Laurycolactone A is a natural product from Eurycoma longifolia Jack.
CFN92131 Laurycolactone B

Laurycolactone B is a natural product from Eurycoma longifolia Jack.
CFN99739 L-Carnitine inner salt

L-carnitine is constituent of striated muscle and liver, it is used therapeutically to stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretions and in the treatment of hyperlipoproteinemias. L-Carnitine inner salt regulates the PTEN/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, and enhances axonal plasticity while concurrently ameliorating oxidative stress and increasing oligodendrocyte myelination of axons, thereby improving WMLs and cognitive impairment in a rat chronic hypoperfusion model.
CFN93091 L-carnosine

L-carnosine is an antioxidant naturally found in skeletal muscle, brain tissue, and the heart that protects cells against oxidative stress.L-carnosine plays an important role in inhibiting neuronal cell apoptosis through STAT3 signaling pathway after acute cerebral ischemia. L-carnosine may accelerate pressure ulcer healing during 4 weeks.
CFN90551 L-Citruline

L-citrulline is a substance called a non-essential amino acid that is used as a sports performance and cardiovascular health supplement.
CFN70131 L-Cysteine

L-Cysteine inhibits insulin release via multiple actions on the insulin secretory process through H(2)S production. L-Cysteine administration limits ischemia-reperfusion injury through a mechanism that appears to be at least partially dependent on H2S synthesis.
CFN95147 Leachianol F

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