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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN92353 2''-O-acetyl-platyconic acid A

Reference standards.
CFN95085 2''-O-acetylsaikosaponin A

Reference standards.
CFN93096 2''-O-Beta-L-Galorientin

Reference standards.
CFN95111 2-O-cinnamoyl-beta-D-glucose

Reference standards.
CFN99728 2''-O-Galloylhyperin

2''-O-Galloylhyperin has effects on arrhythmias in an isolated tissue model of hypoxia and reperfusion.
CFN95046 2''-O-Galloylmyricitrin

Reference standards.
CFN98832 2'-O-Methylisoliquiritigenin

2'-O-Methylisoliquiritigenin, a compound synthesized by enzymes specifically induced in NR.
CFN92551 2''-O-Rhamnosylicariside II

2″-O-Rhamnosylicariside II shows potent antioxidant activity, with IC50 values of 11.5 ug/mL and 90.5 uM. It shows potent inhibitory activities on osteoclast-like cell formation at a concentration of 2 uM without toxic effects.
CFN93061 2-Pentylfuran

2-Pentylfuran is a naturally occuring flavouring ingredient, it may be a biomarker for lung colonization/infection by fungal pathogens. 2-Pentylfuran and isomers of 2-pentenylfuran are known to be mainly responsible for the undesirable reversion flavor of soybean oil.
CFN99022 3-(Hydroxymethyl)cyclopentanol

Reference standards.