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Bioactive Products
Neuroprotection Compound Library
A unique collection of 223 Neuroprotection natural compounds for high throughput screening (HTS)
Catalog No: B72a21 Neuroprotection Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 223 Compounds
2mg/well * 223 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN98953 Tanshinone I

Tanshinone I is an inhibitor of type IIA human recombinant sPLA2 (IC50=11 μM) and rabbit recombinant cPLA2 (IC50=82 μM). Tanshinone I possesses hepatocyte protective, anticancer, neuroprotection, and nephroprotective properties. Tanshinone I pretreatment causes significant suppression of skin cell death induces by solar simulated UV and riboflavin-sensitized UVA.
CFN98964 Liriodendrin

Liriodendrin has anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, hypoglycemic activities, it plays protective role in sepsis-induced acute lung injury, it regulates lung inflammation, the phosphorylation of the NF-kB (p65) and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Liriodendrin has protective effects on dopamine-induced cytotoxicity via its anti-oxidative properties by reducing ROS level and anti-apoptotic effect via protection of mitochondrion membrane potential (ΔΨm). It may be a potent suppressor of CaCl(2)-induced arrhythmias, the prophylactic administration of liriodendrin is effective in prolonging latency of arrhythmia and reducing the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation from 75% to 25%. Liriodendrin has inhibitory activities on gastritis and gastric ulcer, it can inhibit colonization of Helicobacter pylori effectively, it could be utilized for the treatment and/or protection of gastritis and gastric ulcer.
CFN98971 Isofuranodiene

Isofuranodiene protects GalN/LPS-induced liver injury in SD rats, it may be a potential functional food ingredient for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases. Isofuranodiene has anticancer activity, by inhibiting the proliferation and inducing apoptosis in cancer cells; it can induce apoptosis in colon cancer cells in a time and concentration-dependent manner suggesting a potential role as models for the development of chemopreventive agents. Isofuranodiene at concentrations of 25 and 12.5 lM alone, or in combination with 50 nM nerve growth factor (NGF) , shows a marked stimulation of neuritogenesis,which appears to be a promising neurotrophic and neuroprotective agent.
CFN98984 Aurantiamide

Aurantiamide acetate has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities, it may suppress the growth of malignant gliomas by blocking autophagic flux, it also inhibits cysteine proteinases, in particular, cathepsin L ( and B ( with IC50 of 12 microM and 49 microM, respectively . Aurantiamide acetate has an anti-neuroinflammatory effect on LPS stimulation through its inhibition of the NF-κB, JNK and p38 pathways.
CFN97000 Uridine

Uridine has antidepressant-like effects, and it has protective effects against drug-induced fatty liver. Uridine can increase the rate of potassium transport in mitochondria isolated from liver of low resistant rats, and inhibitors of the channel prevent the channel activating effect of Uridine. Uridine has inhibition of p53-dependent intestinal apoptosis initiated by 5-fluorouracil.