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Bioactive Products
Neuroprotection Compound Library
A unique collection of 223 Neuroprotection natural compounds for high throughput screening (HTS)
Catalog No: B72a21 Neuroprotection Compound Library
Screening Details
Size: 1mg/well * 223 Compounds
2mg/well * 223 Compounds
Cat. No. Information
CFN98787 Auraptene

Auraptene possesses anticarcinogenic, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antihelicobacter, antigenotoxic, and neuroprotective effects. Auraptene has a potential to attenuate chronic inflammation in adipose tissue and to improve obesity-related insulin resistance, and has protective effects in transgenic rats developing adenocarcinoma of the prostate (TRAP) and human prostate carcinoma cells.
CFN98788 Nodakenetin

Nodakenetin has antioxidant activity, it displays the least irritant and least persistent reactions on mouse ears, and exhibits the least cytotoxic capacity against brine shrimp larvae. Nodakenetin angelate is used as an antiarthritic and nerve tonic.
CFN98792 2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)ethanol

Tyrosol [2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol] has neuroprotective, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects, it significantly protects dopaminergic neurons from MPP(+)-induced degradation.
CFN90096 Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a strong antioxidant which shows neuroprotective property and can reduce the markers of inflammation, it can reduce matrix metalloproteinase expression in human chondrocytes, it may be beneficial in the treatment of osteoarthritis.Astaxanthin has protective effect on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and suggests that oxidative stress and TLR4 signaling associated inflammatory reaction are involved in this process. Astaxanthin administration can reduce renal calcium oxalate crystal deposition possibly by modulating the renal renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which reduces the expression of OPN and TGF-β1 levels.
CFN98593 Isobavachalcone

Isobavachalcone has anti-cancer, anthelmintic, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiplatelet activities, Isobavachalcone can induce apoptotic cell death in neuroblastoma via the mitochondrial pathway; it can significantly inhibit both oligomerization and fibrillization of Aβ42; it can suppress inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression induced by macrophage-activating lipopeptide 2-kDa, polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid, or lipopolysaccharide.