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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN97777 3-Methyl-9H-carbazol-2-ol

Reference standards.
CFN90235 3-n-Butylphthalide

Dl-3-n-Butylphthalide has antihypertensive effects, may slow the progression of hypertensive nephropathy by a variety of mechanisms.3-n-Butylphthalide is effective for improving cognitive and global functioning in patients with subcortical VCIND and exhibits good safety, this effect might be mediated by preventing the decline of the central cholinergic system.
CFN92865 3-O-(2'E ,4'E-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol

3-O-(2′E,4′E-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol has strong cytotoxicity against human normal cell lines L-O2 and GES-1 with dose-dependent relationships.
CFN92862 3-O-(2'E ,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-deoxyingenol

3-O-(2'E ,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-deoxyingenol, one toxic terpenoid from raw Gansui. It has strong cytotoxicity against human normal cell lines L-O2 and GES-1 with dose-dependent relationships.
CFN92864 3-O-(2'E ,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol

3-O-(2′E,4′Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol, one toxic terpenoid from raw Gansui. It has strong cytotoxicity against human normal cell lines L-O2 and GES-1 with dose-dependent relationships . It shows antinematodal activity against the nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, at a minimum effective dose (MED) of 5 microg/cotton ball. 3-O-(2'E,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol induces the cytotoxicity of intestinal epithelial cells of rats (IEC-6 cells) depends on induction of cell apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway and cell cycle arrest.3-O-(2'E,4'Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetylingenol, kansuinine B and kansuinine A can markedly promote SPL proliferation and NO production by PMphi at concentrations from 0.78 to 12.50 microg/mL, hence the they are believed to be important proinflammatory components of the roots of E. kansui.
CFN92868 3-O-(2'E,4'E-Decadienoyl)ingenol

3-O-(2'E,4'E-Decadienoyl)ingenol , one toxic terpenoid from raw Gansui.3-O-(2′E,4′E-decadienoyl)-ingenol and 3-O-(2′E,4′Z-decadienoyl)-20-O-acetyl-ingenol show cytotoxicity on Namalwa cells with IC 50 values of 7.6 and 5.2 umol·L-1, respectively.
CFN92867 3-O-(2'E,4'Z-Decadienoyl)ingenol

Kansuiphorin C and 3-O-(2′E,4′Z-decadienoyl)-ingenol exhibit significant anticomplement activity with respective 50% inhibitory concentration values of 44.1±3.8 and 89.5±5.5 uM. 20-O-acetyl-[3-O-(2'E,4'Z)-decadienoyl]-ingenol and 3-O-(2'E,4'Z)-decadienoylingenol show the same antinematodal activity against the nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, at a minimum effective dose (MED) of 5 microg/cotton ball.
CFN90531 3-O-Acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid

3-O-Acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid inhibits 5-lipoxygenase product formation with an IC(50) of 1.5 m muM.
CFN90791 3-O-Acetyl-16 alpha-hydroxydehydrotrametenolic acid

3-O-Acetyl-16 alpha-hydroxydehydrotrametenolic acid shows anti-inflammatory activity, it can inhibit NO production and iNOS expression in LPS-stimulated Raw264.7 cells.
CFN90804 3-O-Acetyl-16 alpha-hydroxytrametenolic acid

3-O-Acetyl-16 alpha -hydroxytrametenolic acid has inhibitory activities against AAPH-induced hemolysis of red blood cells, it shows a strong inhibitory activity against 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced inflammation in mice. 3-O-Acetyl-16 alpha-hydroxytrametenolic acid markedly inhibited the promoting effect of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (1 microgram/mouse) on skin tumor formation following initiation with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (50 micrograms/mouse).