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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN99229 3-Deoxysappanone B

3-Deoxysappanone B has vasorelaxation effects, it can mediate endothelium- independent vasodilator action in rat thoracic aortic rings.
CFN98851 3-Epicorosolic acid

3-Epicorosolic acid has a potent inhibitory effect on Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) induction, it has potential anti-inflammatory activities as well as cancer chemopreventive activity.3-Epicorosolic acid shows both potent α-glucosidase and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibitory activities with IC50 values of 30.18 and 4.08 μg/ml respectively.
CFN92738 3-Epidehydropachymic acid

Reference standards.
CFN92743 3-Epidehydrotumulosic acid

3-Epidehydrotumulosic acid has inhibitory activity against AAPH-induced lysis of red blood cells.
CFN97238 3-Epikatonic acid

Epikatonic acid shows less active against T. (S.) cruzi trypanosome.
CFN92068 3-Epioleanolic acid

3-Epioleanolic acid and oleanonic acid possess varying degrees of agonist activity on uterine smooth muscle with minor changes in the molecular structure affecting its intrinsic activity on uterine muscle.
CFN92196 3-Epiursolic acid

3-Epiursolic acid may have antiinflammatory activity, it shows inhibition on Cathepsins L (catL), the IC50 value of 6.5 uM, cathepsins L (catL) and B play an important role in tumor progression and have been considered promising therapeutic targets in the development of novel anticancer agents.
CFN95048 3''-Galloylquercitrin

1. 3''-Galloylquercitrin possesses the activity for PTK inhibition.
CFN92829 3-Galloylquinic acid

Theogallin(3-Galloylquinic acid ), its derivatives, its metabolite quinic acid, the derivatives thereof, its metabolites or the pharmaceutically acceptable salts of said substances can be used for producing a drug for use in the prophylaxis or treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases of the central nervous system, especially of dementia such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, of depressions and concentration disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.L-theanine- and theogallin-enriched decaffeinated green tea extract are able to change the physiological pattern of electrical hippocampus activity in a concentration dependent manner (EC50=3mg/L), they can improve cognition at concomitant mental relaxation in man. Theogallin also has scavenging radical activity.
CFN90236 3'-Hydroxy Puerarin

3'-Hydroxy Puerarin may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, it shows marked ONOO−, NO·, total ROS scavenging activities, and weak ·O2− scavenging activity.3'-Hydroxy Puerarin also can improve the insulin resistance via up-regulating the expression of PPARγ in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.