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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN98960 4'-Hydroxywogonin

4'-Hydroxywogonin has positive effect on inhabiting those human tumor lines in vitro, with IC50 value is 8.3-38.4ug/mL .
CFN93221 4-Methoxybenzoic acid

4-Methoxybenzoic acid could be used as raw material in cosmetic and dermatologic products and/or aroma components in foodstuffs, it has antioxidant,antiinflammatory and antimicrobial activities.
CFN90559 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde

4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde can inhibit human respiratory syncytial virus(RSV) in a human larynx carcinoma cell line, it may be helpful to manage the disease induced by RSV infection. trans-4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde shows potent nematicidal activity.
CFN98191 4-Methoxycinnamic acid

4-Methoxycinnamic acid is a photosensitive compound, it shows various pharmacologic actions such as anti-cancer, hepatoprotective and antihyperglycemic activities, it also can stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells by increasing Ca2+ influx via the L-type Ca2+ channels, but not through the closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. 4-Methoxycinnamic acid can strongly inhibit the diphenolase activity of mushroom tyrosinase, with the IC 50 value of 0.42 mM, and the inhibition is reversible.
CFN00505 4-Methoxyglucobrassicin

CFN90782 4'-Methoxypuerarin

Reference standards.
CFN70108 4-Methylcatechol

4-Methylcatechol , a stimulator of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression and an indirect PKC activator significantly enhanced spatial learning and memory in rats and produced an antidepressant effect, it could be useful for diabetic neuropathy. 4-Methylcatechol may induce the apoptotic death of murine tumor cells through its extracellular pro-oxidant action on the cells. 4-Methylcatechol stimulates apoptosis and reduces insulin secretion by decreasing betacellulin and inhibin beta-A in INS-1 beta-cells.
CFN90421 4-Methylumbelliferone

4-Methylumbelliferone is a hyaluronic acid (HA) synthesis inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.4 mM, which has antitumoral and antimetastatic effects. 4-Methylumbelliferone may inhibit the phosphorylation of HAS2 by PKC through the stimulation of O-GlcNAcylation; it also similarly ameliorates hypertriglyceridemia and hyperglycemia partly by modulating hepatic lipid metabolism and the antioxidant defense system along with increasing adiponectin levels.
CFN93803 4-O-beta-Glucopyranosyl-cis-coumaric acid

Reference standards.
CFN92952 4-O-Caffeoylshikimic acid

4-O-Caffeoylshikimic acid is a natural product from Illicium verum.