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Catalog No. Information
CFN97174 4-Epi-isoinuviscolide

Standard reference
CFN97575 4'-Hydroxyacetophenone

4'-Hydroxyacetophenone is a potent xanthine oxidase inhibitor, three 4′-hydroxyacetophenone-related phytoalexins from Polymnia sonchifolia have antifungal activity.
CFN99013 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde

4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde shows an inhibitory effect on the GABA transaminase to contribute to an antiepileptic and anticonvulsive activity, and its inhibitory activity was higher than that of valproic acid, a known anticonvulsant.
CFN97577 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid

4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, also known as p-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA), is a phenolic derivative of benzoic acid and widely used in organic synthesis. 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives has potential to as pan-HDAC inhibitors with anticancer properties. 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid positively regulates the expression of gum cluster to promote EPS production in PXO99A; it can inhibit most gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria, with an IC50 of 160 μg/mL.
CFN95158 4-Hydroxybenzoyl choline

Reference standards.
CFN97071 4-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol

4-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol possesses anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti- nociceptive activity possibly via its down-regulating activity on NO production, which may be partly responsible for the pharmacological efficacy of several folkloric medicines. It exhibits beneficial effects in cerebral ischemic injury, has neuroprotective effect through upregulation of Nrf2, Prdx6, and PDI expression via the PI3K/Akt pathway.
CFN90419 4-Hydroxycoumarin

4-Hydroxycoumarin serves as an immediate precursor of 4-hydroxycoumarin (4HC) type anticoagulants (for example, warfarin).
CFN94213 4'-Hydroxyflavanone

4'-Hydroxyflavanone may have major potential as a pharmaceutical preparation against hepatic steatosis and dyslipidemia. 4'-Hydroxyflavanone shows full vasorelaxing effects; it also shows inhibition of nitric oxide production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated product of nitrite in RAW 264.7 cells with the IC50 value of 15.72 ug/mL.
CFN00504 4-Hydroxyglucobrassicin

CFN99721 4-Hydroxyisoleucine

4-Hydroxyisoleucine has antidepressant-like, antidyslipidemic, and antihyperglycemic effects. It acts to improve insulin resistance by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis in high fructose diet fed STZ induced diabetic rats, it also has beneficial effects on low-grade inflammation.