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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN93118 5,8-Epidioxyergosta-6,9(11),22-trien-3-ol

5,8-Epidioxyergosta-6,9(11),22-trien-3-olshows cytotoxic activity, it was selectively cytotoxic to cancer cells.
CFN91735 5'-Adenylic acid

CFN97240 5-Deoxycajanin

Reference standards.
CFN89416 5-Deoxystrigol

5-Deoxystrigol is a highly active Striga germination stimulant. It has a protective effect on D-galactosamine (D-GalN) induced mice acute liver injury and has a protective effect on CCl4 induced mice acute liver injury.
CFN97404 5-Epilithospermoside

(-)-5-Epilithospermoside is proposed as a potential marker of botanical origin for phacelia honey.
CFN92078 5-Galloylquinic acid

5-Galloylquinic acid as an index for the baking intensity of oolong teas. It has antioxidant activity.
CFN98911 5-Glutinen-3-ol

5-Glutinen-3-ol is a natural product from Clausena excavata.
CFN91721 5'-Guanylic acid

CFN89352 5-Heneicosylresorcinol

5-Heneicosylresorcinol shows inhibitory effects on the release of β-hexosaminidase from RBL-2H3 cells, it also prevents triglyceride accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells. 5-Heneicosylresorcinol has nematicidal activity against nematodes Panagrellus redivivus, Caenothabditis elegans and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, with ED50 values of 80, 30, and 180 ug/mL, respectively.
CFN97874 5-Heptadecylresorcinol

5-Heptadecylresorcinol has strong inhibitory property against the growth of PC3 cells.