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Natural Products
Catalog No. Information
CFN90490 Hosenkoside C

Hosenkoside C is a natural product from Impatiens balsamina L.
CFN90377 Hosenkoside F

Hosenkoside F is a natural product from Impatiens balsamina L.
CFN90435 Hosenkoside K

Hosenkoside K is a natural product from impatiens balsamina.
CFN95520 Hosenkoside L

CFN97548 Hosenkoside M

Hosenkoside M is a rare baccharane glycoside from Impatiens balsamina.
CFN99583 Hotrienol

Hotrienol is an excellent fruity smelling compound, could be a flavouring ingredient. Hotrienol has antioxidant capacity. Hotrienol and methyl syringate can be considered non-specific chemical markers of S. hortensis honey.
CFN97880 Humantenidine

Standard reference
CFN97305 Humantenine

Standard reference
CFN97304 Humantenmine

Humantenmine is a toxic compound isolated from Gelsemium elegans Benth. Humantenmine and koumine may inhibit several CYP450 enzyme activities.
CFN98008 Humulene epoxide II

Humulene epoxide II has antimalarial activity.